Doppler1000 - News about important things

About Doppler1000


About Doppler1000

Doppler1000's goal is to make news more freely accessible. The developers of Doppler1000 created this the program you're using in order to more easily keep up-to-date on current events and the latest news.

Through various technologies, Doppler1000 aggregates, sorts and groups news stories from many sources on the Internet. In addition, we're always looking to find new sources with which to gather news to bring to the masses. If you have a suggestion for a new source to add to our list, please feel free to contact us.

Our goal is not to take credit for these news stories ourselves, but rather to expose new ideas and interests to a wider audience of people. In doing so, Doppler1000 hopes to interest people in the political and social goals of others around the Internet voicing their own thoughts ideas and opinions. To this end, Doppler1000 aims to be impartial toward any political agenda - we don't care *what* your opinion is about any particular subject, but we do feel that you do have *an* (any) opinion about a particular subject. Please remember to read with an open mind - you might find some events you didn't know were happening out there.

Why do we feel this way? Because an educated and opinionated public is the only thing that keeps this country from being ruled by any particular agenda. The more people aware of a specific agenda, the more people can either back or oppose that agenda. Our country is too important for us, the public, to sit idle while others do what is in their best interest instead of our best interest.

Happy reading,
The Team